David MacFarlane in his magazine articles often highlights events from the past. But what about the magazine in the past?
Until last year the magazine was produced for publication in print. But it WAS made available online from 2007. Not always so easy to find or with a 3D display as now, but it was there, and most are STILL there in a digital archive. They are a fascinating record of Peebles Old and Eddleston over these past years. You probably won’t find many of the print copies still around and they were in black and white.
So, if you want to go on a relatively recent memory lane trip. Click on the link below and browse. Let us know what you think in the comment box below.(To go back to main site click on THE MAGAZINE at top of page)
Magazines from 2014 to 2018 using a previous display format are shown below. (Mouseover to get title)
2017 and 2018